Sunday, February 8, 2009


So, I haven't written in quite a while, which I apologize for. This past weekend I went to amplified, a youth conference at Healing Place. It was really, really great, and exactly what I needed.
There were so many things that I have been thinking about in my life that I just need to give to God. Although some of the stuff wasn't for me, because it was for kids in middle school and high school, I did get something out of it. Some of the things that really affected me though, were how he talked about how we had a time limit. It made you think, "When does my time end?" We only have a certain amount of time left on the Earth, and mine could end any second. I could get in a car wreck and die on my way to school tonight. I could start feeling bad and go to the doctor and find out I have cancer and die in a couple of months. I could get murdered at school or work. I could get salmonella poisoning from that sandwich I just ate and die. I could die in five years in childbirth. Or in ten years from a sudden blod clot. lol Sorry for being so gory and weird scary sounding, but I'm trying to make a point. Everyone dies, and you never know when it could happen. So, what am I going to do to make the time that I was on the Earth worthwhile? So, I have decided to make my life make a difference every second I have a chance to. That means making conversation with people in elevators, or maybe that girl who I've sat by in three classes but have never spoken to. I should invite people to my church more often. I need to tell stories of how God has made my life better. I NEED to pray so much more than I do. And I will. And those are the small things. In my justice lab we talked about helping people who have an unjust life, like kids who get sold as sex slaves and the children they have that are, if they are girls, disposed of, and if they are boys, trained up to be soldiers in warring countries in Africa. Not only will that be the only life they know, it is worse than that. They are dehumanized to the point where the commandos addict them to heroin at a young age, and they are told that if they don't fight, they don't get their heroin. They will probably die a frightening death and will never know love in their whole life. Where is the justice there?
These are real problems in our world... not a person losing their 250,000 dollar home or someone getting their car repossessed. Sure, those are bad and I'm all against stopping those things, but we are so wrapped up in our little self absorbed bubbles that we forget that those things don't matter in the end. I hope that I will make Jesus proud and that I will do what he wants me to do in this world, and not be a screw up!!

I am very happy that I went to that conference. It really was great, and I got to hang out with everybody from church which was also a blast! It really made me homesick for heaven when I was in a huge, crowded room with people worshiping Jesus and really giving him their all. Not that I want to die, but I really can't wait to get into heaven. And I hope everyone I ever meet will get to go to!!!

1 comment:

  1. That was really good and inspiring Kate! Thanks for posting that.
    : )
