Monday, January 19, 2009

Finally not sick!

I'm finally not sick!! I've been sick for almost a week (5 days!) and I'm finally just getting over it. That makes me so happy. I always think when I'm sick... "omg I want to just feel okay. I need to thank God more when I'm just healthy".
That is so true! When I'm not feeling horrible, I should constantly be praising God! Being healthy is such a blessing. If a was just a little cold, (seriously it must have been something worse cause that was the sickest I've ever felt,lol), then I can't imagine how people feel who are in the hospital for something far more serious. But anyways, that was just my thought on that.
I'm back in school now, hence the sharp decrease in postings on my blog, but so far, it's been all good. I know people in pretty much every class I've been to so far... except my nutrition class, and I have people in there who are really nice and I've had them in classes last semester.. (yeah yeah so maybe I should try to make friends) But unfortunately, I'm no social butterfly.
Anyways, school is okay, my psychology class was boring ON THE FIRST DAY so that's not a good sign ever, but I guess I should just be glad I'm majoring in nursing and not psychology.
Hung out with the image group and it was pretty fun last night. I still had a little cough but I was beginning to feel back to normal. ( I didn't go to church yesterday morning because I felt incredibly weak, probably because I had no appetite while I wasn't feeling well.) We talked about dreams and how stuff you want when you're little changes once you get big. For me, I wanted to be a veterinarian when I was really little and then I wanted to be a 'brain surgeon' once I got a little earlier. We were talking about how you sometimes let go great dreams and chase after smaller, easier dreams that take less time, money, and effort.
While I may admit, yes, maybe I would be more renown as a 'brain surgeon' or whatnot, I believe with all my being that, that dream was other peoples' dreams for me and not my own dreams. I am such a family person and my life really does revolve around God first and family second. I do think I am called to the medical field, but not to the extent of being alone all my life and just being a doctor and not a mother and wife. I wouldn't talk about it at the little group thing because it may have been kinda awkward, you know, considering I don't even have a boyfriend or any 'prospects' for that manner. haha..
But seriously, my heart's desire is to have a big family and to raise children who love God and want to serve his kingdom. And, while I sense that will be a while before that happens because I also have a calling to the medical field, I can accept that waiting because I'm trusting in God to fulfill my dreams. So, that's my dream. Cheers to it. haha
I didn't mean to go that into depth... the main thing I wanted to tell about the meeting was that we went and ate at Cheeburger Cheeburger after and this 14 year old kid ate a 1 pounder hambuger!! I thought he was gonna throw it up everywheres!! haha!