Thursday, March 19, 2009

And breathe... just breathe, whoa

Music means a lot to me. Although I am not the master of any instrument, my singing is just barely bareable, and I don't have the most intelligent or sophisticated taste in music, it is something that moves me. I learn from music, I feel from music, and I identify with music. There's just that something about it. Lately, I've been falling in love with a particular book of the bible. The book of Psalms, of all things! Honestly, (which this is probably really bad that I felt this way), but I used to hate that book. Why? It was the least storylike or informative of all the books. But now I just don't feel that way. Things have happened that have changed me to enable me to identify to King David and the others that wrote those words.

Music is powerful. Why else would we use it as a vessel in which we send our praises to such an Almighty God? And really, am I the only one who is so moved by it? Although you may not know it, music has made you cry. Think of the saddest movie you have ever seen. Now, are you honestly able to refute the presense of a moving song that ultimately allowed your heart to feel the emotions of the characters in the movie, even if they weren't human? It may be possible, but I doubt it!

It is just one of the ways that music touches our souls. I believe that God uses music to move me and speak to me. Not as his only way, but definately one way. That is why I watch what I listen to. Now, I LOVE Taylor Swift. It's really a guilt of mine, because the vast majority of her songs incite that teenager boy craziness that can envelop a girl. That's not why I like her songs, but I don't want to become someone who has any actions that are based on pleasing anyone besides my Lord. And, this means that I need to guard my heart, the heart so easily infiltrated by music.

So, in my long rides from Hammond, I am trying to make my heart dwell on things that should be. Call me crazy, but I think the music I listen to will change my heart for the better. And, by opening that door, I am opening myself up for God's movement in my life.

Besides, if I get in a car wreck and die, what better way to go out than singing praise to Jesus?! (haha Sorry for the morbid ending.. but still?)

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