Saturday, February 27, 2010

These are the words I want to live,

I find it hard sometimes to really live out what I want to. If you get what I mean.
As a Christian, there are certain things I want to do, but sometimes I don't make the chance for myself to do them. I'm getting better, but I feel like I have a long ways before I become the person I am supposed to be.

I want to be..
someone who anyone can come to for help.
the person that can make you feel better after a rotten day.
a smile you see when you're walking down the street.
the hug you need.
the one who will listen no matter the situation.
the girl who will still talk to you no matter what you've done.
the girl you talk to no matter what I've done.
someone you can trust with your life.
a friend.
the one who will always take you seriously.
the comic relief.
a comforting hand in a tough time.
the person who will be there even when all I can do is just be there for you.
a prayer warrior.
that person who just loves everyone.
a kind reply to a harsh question.
the bringer of joy.
a compassionate heart without bounds.
a helping hand.
the quiet in a bustling room.

what God meant for me to be.


  1. You seem to be so many of those things already! :)

    I didn't know you have a blog! I have one too! I love to blog! Loved reading the story of Colton's birth from your point of view. So sweet. :)

    Melissa (Perry) Venable

  2. Thank you so much for reading and for the comment! I love coming back on here and finding comments and new followers! :)
