Monday, May 4, 2009

A Little Motivation

I will post the blogs previewed in my last writing. I currently have one and half finished, but I am waiting to post them since I haven't had time and right now I am at school and they are saved to my laptop (which I left at home due to some annoying extenuating circumstances)

Right now I'm in the computer lab at school and it really feels weird writing because I'm always nervous that people are looking at my screen and stuff. I don't know why, it just makes me nervous.

I just got done with my bio lab exam and I was the first person to finish and it was really super easy (and I only studied about 30 minutes!). God really gave me a light load. I would have said that I got lucky, but I shy away from the word 'lucky' now because it just doesn't seem like the right word for anything anymore.

But anyways. I'm like mini-freaking-out right now because I'm so torn over whether to even study for my chem test tonight (don't flip out, I get a dropped grade in that class and all my other grades were good). I need to study for my nutrition exam which is Wednesday. I don't have a super high A in that class and she didn't give us a study guide so I need to study really really good. But, that very same day, I have a chem lab exam which is scary because I have no idea what is going to be on that test because the teacher's on acid or something. (Not really, but he is quite a character).

Regardless, all of this typing is actually getting me somewhere. Once I get things I have to do on paper they seem way less scary. Call me weird, but academic 'to do' lists are a great motivator for me. I'll write soon, later.

And I am aware of 'steak' in my last post.

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