Thursday, December 22, 2011

Maew wedge

I was reading an article on why our generation has problems with divorce. This response by a reader was my favorite:

"No guts. The real reason is we have a generation of wimps. Fear of responsibi¬lity. To weak to take a stand and work through daily problems of life. Unwillingness to make a committment and stand by it to the end. To lazy to work steady at a job to provide for long-term committment and those precious little children. Sure the road is tough in spots along the way but so great are the rewards for those who stick with it. By what authority do I speak? Been married 46 years to the same woman, worked 45 years for the same company, reared two children who both have doctorate degrees and now enjoy five beautiful grandchildren. Was it easy..NO!!, but I committed to it and saw it through. A Christ centered faith is the key. I could not have survived without Him."

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