Monday, January 31, 2011


I am actually at school right now writing a report! :) But I figured I would take some downtime and write something.

So in a couple of days I will be 21! That seems too old for me, I think I will forever think of myself as being 19. That age just sticks for some reason. Maybe 21 will be sticky. I don't know. I do know that February 2nd is Groundhog's Day, so celebrate it. :)

Nothing much has been going on with me besides school. Yesterday evening Kyle and I watched Cloverfield. I have heard tons of people say it was terrible but I liked it. Figures. I have a weird taste in movies I guess. Basically if you haven't seen or heard of the movie it is about a monster that attacks New York. A group of friends are at a party and they are chilling when an oil tanker capsizes and everything 'splodes. And then a giant monster starts running around town and pandemonium escalates. It is actually a sweet story because the main character basically turns down the chance to live by going back to make sure his lovey dovey doesn't die alone. Instead they die together. So sweet. Seriously, I am not being sarcastic. :) Pretty good movie.
That's all.

Friday, January 21, 2011


So this is my first post of the new year! Last year I posted a sad total of 21 blogs, and the year before I posted 33, so hopefully I will pick up the pace this year. :)

I just went back and read some of my previous posts. I actually forgot that I started this blog in 2009. I was pretty up close and comfortable in my first blogs, I guess because less people read it back then. Don't feel tempted to go peek at them, though, they really are kind of boring.

I just started my third semester of nursing school. This semester will be tough, no joke. I already feel stressed out, which can not be a good sign. This past Tuesday and Wednesday we basically had orientation days which were extremely boring, but stressful too as the teachers felt it necessary to repeatedly tell us how difficult this semester is going to be. Next week I get to learn how to start an IV! Wowzers I can not wait but I can at the same time. I hate the fact that I am going to have to get stuck. I just hope I don't make a fool of myself and pass out!

Right now I am doing some reading for class, trying to get off on the right foot. Hopefully today will be productive because I plan on finishing all my reading assignments, creating a calendar for this semester, and maybe just maybe washing my car. :)

This semester I am starting off my clinical with psychiatric patients. And the teacher began to tell us all the techniques to avoid getting choked out or punched by a patient. That's always a good sign. I kind of hoped she would add a disclaimer such as, "Of course I have never seen that happen." Nope. She actually recounted several instances of 'out of control' moments. Guess I will take her advice. Ha!

So New Year's Commitment for me in regards to this blog is a post every two weeks. Posts may be shorter, but maybe a little bit easier to read as a result. I hope eventful things will happen to me. And as a disclaimer, I cannot discuss my patients, so don't expect any stories of that nature. :) Hope you have a good day and God bless.