Saturday, July 3, 2010

Although you've heard it before, Freedom is not free...

Heartbreaking... keep these people in your prayers, and never forget to thank soldiers and those who have lost loved ones.

Every fourth of July, Americans get to celebrate freedom. We have so much freedom, we can burn our own flag, berate our own president, and every four years, we have an option to change the leader of our country! I think a lot of times we forget that we have so much to be grateful for. Back when our country was founded, a type of country that was by the people and for the people was just unheard of. The American Revolution was not just a revolution for American, but for countries around the world. It gave the French people a hunger for the type of freedom we had, sparking their own civil unrest. Not that I think violence is a good thing, but can good come from a bad thing? If God allows it, yes.

Today, it can be easier to think of countries with people who are able to vote and decide on their future than those that can not. I think that is a small part of why so many people are going back to giving power to the government. Back to the American Revolution. It cost many lives. But do you think it was worth it? I do. I know the people of that time probably were uncertain, had fears, had their hearts crushed. Many who suffered never got to enjoy freedom as we do today. However, when the rest of the world was able to see a peaceful transfer of power (also known as a different political party taking control of the white house), it was to create a new precendent for the rest of the world.

I'm not saying that wars are good. I'm not saying that you should burn your flag or berate the president. I'm not saying you should do much of anything. I'm just pointing out the fact that you are allowing to think or do any of these because of what people who were willing to make a sacrifice were willing to do.

Much like sin. God hates sin. But he was willing to die for us anyways. He sacrificed himself for us even though we are drawn to something he is unable to tolerate. God gave us freedom from sin, something we did not have to pay for, but something we can enjoy. Just because we are loved. I am so lucky to serve such an awesome God and to be apart of a country with people willing to die for my freedom.


  1. Sooooo true. We forget how much our freedom really costed us sometimes. You're awesome as for having a Jesus tie-in. :D

  2. amen sister...i feel so priveledged to be living in such a free country as this. So many times, we take it for granted.
